Pressure Injury Prevention
Provizio SEM Scanner
Deliver objective and anatomically-specific assessment of pressure injury (PI) risk 5 days*¹ earlier than visual skin assessment, regardless of skin tone². This empowers you with a window of opportunity to deploy a tailored prevention strategy to minimise PI incidence.
Sortiment výrobků Arjo pro prevenci dekubitů
Nabízíme špičkové inovace, které podporují prevenci a léčbu dekubitů ve všech ošetřovatelských prostředích – od podpůrných povrchů a řízení mikroklimatu až po včasnou a objektivní identifikaci rizik.
Proven to support significant reductions in PI incidence across care settings
in hospice settings³
(weighted average)
in acute care settings⁴
in long-term care settings⁵
Recognised in the latest EPUAP-NPIAP-PPPIA international guidelines⁶
Recommendation 2.6
“Consider using a sub-epidermal moisture/edema measurement device as an adjunct to routine clinical skin assessment”
(Strength of Evidence = B2, Strength of recommendation ↔)
Recommendation 2.7
“When assessing darkly pigmented skin, consider assessment of sub-epidermal moisture as important adjunct strategy”
(Strength of Evidence = B2, Strength of recommendation ↑)
The Science of Sub-epidermal Moisture (SEM)
Elevated levels of SEM is a biomarker of early tissue damage that can lead to pressure injury development. SEM can be identified by assessing the biocapacitance of tissue. This non-invasive technology enables early and objective assessment of increased pressure injury (PI) risk, empowering you to take decisive action to minimise PI incidence and to help reduce overall cost and time to care.
Find out more about the role of SEM in pressure injury development
Download our clinical evidence summary.
Skener Provizio® SEM
Skener Provizio SEM vám umožní provádět objektivní a anatomicky specifické posouzení rizika vzniku dekubitů, což vám zaručuje 5 dní¹ na zavedení cílené a na míru uzpůsobené strategie prevence dekubitů, která pomůže minimalizovat incidenci dekubitů a snížit celkové náklady a čas vynaložené na péči.
Klíčem je včasný a cílený zásah
Zjistěte více o tom, jak vám naše zařízení včasné a cílené intervence pomáhá stanovit nový standard klinické dokonalosti díky následujícímu:
• Zajištění včasného, objektivního a anatomicky specifického posouzení rizik
• Nabídka komplexních řešení umožňujících na míru uzpůsobený zásah
• Podpora a udržení lepších klinických výsledků
Copyright, trademarks and logos are the intellectual property of Bruin Biometrics LLC, this includes the following: Provizio® SEM Scanner and SEM Scanner®. Bruin Biometrics LLCs copyright materials cannot be used or reproduced without Bruin Biometrics LLCs written consent.
Okonkwo H, Bryant R, Milne J et al. A blinded clinical study using subepidermal moisture biocapacitance measurement device for early detection of pressure injuries. Wound Repair & Reg 2020;1-11.
Bates-Jensen BM, McCreath HE, Pongquan V. Sub-epidermal moisture is associated with early pressure ulcer damage in nursing home residents with dark skin tones: pilot findings. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2009;36(3):277-284.
Raine G (2021). Is it time to re-evaluate the inevitability of SCALE ulcers at the end of life? Int J Palliat Nurs. 2021 Nov 2;27(9):440-448. doi:10.12968/ijpn.2021.27.9.440. PMID: 34846932.
Bryant RA, Moore ZE, Iyer V. Clinical profile of the SEM Scanner - Modernizing pressure injury care pathways using Sub-Epidermal Moisture (SEM) scanning. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2021 Sep;18(9):833-847.
Burns M. (2020). Reducing Pressure Injury/Ulcer (PI/PU) through the Introduction of Technology. Abstract submitted and presented at EWMA 2020. BBI PURP Report September 2020
European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel, Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: The International Guideline 2019. Emily Haesler (Ed.). EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA: 2019.