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AirPal: much more than a patient lateral transfer


With the AirPal® air-assisted patient transfer system, you can transfer patients from one surface to another and reposition within the bed safely, comfortably and efficiently. AirPal supports the patient on a bed of air, an elevating effect created by air flowing through the perforated underside of the AirPal transfer mattress, lifting the patient away from the bed surface.

Lateral Transfer using AirPal

AirPal is typically used in lateral transfers, as the physical effort for caregivers is reduced¹. With AirPal in place, it can facilitate other activities such as: changing bed linen, applying an imaging cassette, repositioning patients in bed and more. And, because AirPal can be left under the patient, this saves time if another transfer or repositioning is necessary.²

Let’s start by showing a video on how to apply and remove AirPal under a patient.

Applying and removing AirPal

AirPal can be positioned under the patient using a rolling technique. Gently pushing AirPal from the underside can help to easily position it underneath the patient and unravelling it from the other side can help to reduce risk of friction against the patient’s skin. Tucking AirPal mattress underneath the patient from one side makes it easier to remove for the caregiver.

Changing bed linen

Removing bed linen underneath the inflated AirPal mattress, can make the task easier for caregivers, without the need to roll the patient. The bed sheet slides out easily between the bed surface and AirPal reducing risk of friction and shear on the patient’s skin with less effort for the caregiver.

Applying bed linen underneath the inflated AirPal mattress, can make the task easier for caregivers, without the need to roll the patient. The bed sheet slides out easily between the bed surface and AirPal, reducing risk of friction and shear on the patient’s skin with less effort for the caregiver.

Applying an imaging cassette

AirPal is radiolucent and MRI compatible². Applying an imaging cassette can be made easier by simply inserting it under the inflated AirPal.

Repositioning up in bed

AirPal can assist with moving patients up the bed, reducing the risk of shear and friction against the patient’s skin.

An evaluation of 6 different lateral patient transfer systems to determine their effect on caregiver ergonomics showed clear evidence that the use of air-assisted lateral transfer systems such as AirPal significantly reduces the physiologic and biomechanical demands of the task¹. AirPal was perceived to require significantly less exertion than the other methods tested. It received the highest (best) rating for performance and the highest (best) rating for comfort.

Click here to download the Whitepaper “An evaluation of lateral patient transfer systems; caregiver ergonomics” by Kevin Costello, Certified Professional Ergonomist, President, United States Ergonomics.

Download Whitepaper

Discover the benefits of AirPal and see it in action with a personalized demonstration from an Arjo representative. CLICK HERE to book a demonstration.

For further guidance on the use of AirPal, please refer to the relevant Instructions for Use manual.

Book a Demo


1. Costello, K. An evaluation of lateral patient transfer devices; caregiver ergonomics, 2021

2. Arjo product performance testing - AirPal Air-Assisted Lateral Patient Transfer device, 2021

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  • Je mi známa definice odborníka, případně vymezení zaměstnance poskytovatele zdravotnických služeb ve smyslu zákona č. 40/1995 Sb.
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