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"I am happy to work for a company where you get recognized by leaders that believe in you"

Being part of Arjo for twelve years, Matilda Levin has really developed together with the company. Through various roles, she has always found new possibilities for growth. Today, she works with Internal Communications & Projects, acting as a hub for moving the organization forward.

Growing up in the small village of Eslöv, where Arjo was once established, Matilda Levin has known the company all her life. After graduation, she started to help with easier tasks within administration, and continued to do so alongside her university education.

“When I finished my degree, I was offered the role as an office coordinator at the headquarters in Malmö, and thought it would be a good start for me. The role allowed me to become familiar with people and matters in the whole organization, and I really enjoyed the work. The appreciation I got from servicing and supporting my colleagues will always be close to my heart.”

In addition to the daily chores, Matilda was involved in various projects and events, and after some time she yearned for new challenges. She was given the opportunity to assume the role as Training Coordinator and later as Project Leader at Arjo Academy. Working with both internal and external training programs gave her great insights into the business and value chain. She found it especially rewarding to work closely with the sales and service organization – and through them the customers. After several years and a maternity leave, she has now transitioned to a position in Communications and Public Relations.

“The encouraging environment creates an openness for exploring new possibilities. As a person I need to regularly challenge myself, to stay inspired and motivated in my work. I’m happy that I have been able to find opportunities for growth inside the organization, because I feel strongly about Arjo and our contribution to healthcare and the society.”

For all employees at Arjo, Empowering Movement, is about creating optimal conditions for increased mobility in healthcare settings, benefitting both clinical and financial outcomes. It is also about empowering ourselves and each other, sharing good energy and moving forward together.

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„Skutečný zájem o lidi dovolující rozvíjet individuální potenciál“

Přečtěte si Khaledův příběh
Potvrzuji, že jsem se seznámil s definicí odborníka ve smyslu zákona č. 40/1995 Sb. a že jsem tímto odborníkem.

Kliknutím na tlačítko ANO chci pokračovat na tyto webové stránky a výslovně potvrzuji následující:

  • Jsem odborníkem, tedy osobou oprávněnou předepisovat nebo vydávat zdravotnické prostředky nebo diagnostické zdravotnické prostředky in vitro, případně zaměstnancem poskytovatele zdravotnických služeb.
  • Je mi známa definice odborníka, případně vymezení zaměstnance poskytovatele zdravotnických služeb ve smyslu zákona č. 40/1995 Sb.
  • Beru na vědomí, že informace obsažené na těchto webových stránkách nejsou určeny pro laickou veřejnost, ale pouze pro odborníky a zaměstnance poskytovatelů zdravotnických služeb. Dále potvrzuji, že jsou mi známa rizika spojená s návštěvou těchto webových stránek jinou osobou než odborníkem nebo zaměstnancem poskytovatele zdravotnických služeb (např. neporozumění správnému fungování inzerovaných zdravotnických prostředků, nesprávný výběr zdravotnického prostředku nebo nesprávné učinění diagnózy).