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Arjo stops deliveries to Russia due to the ongoing military invasion of Ukraine

Today Arjo announces that until further notice, the company has stopped all deliveries and production of equipment destined to Russia due to the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. The decision has been taken in line with the powerful international sanctions against Russia. 

In 2021, Russia accounted for 0.2% of Arjo’s total revenue. According to the company’s forecast, equipment worth approx. 50 MSEK was planned to be delivered to Russia in 2022, mainly during the first half of the year.

“Arjo strongly condemns Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine. We already see Russia’s actions having severe implications for the Ukrainian people as well as for the international community. We support the sanctions that are currently put in place, and have decided to stop all deliveries to Russia,” says Joacim Lindoff, President & CEO of Arjo.

Arjo has limited exposure to both Russia and Ukraine. The Group does not have operations nor suppliers in any of the countries, neither any employees in Ukraine. Currently the conflict, and known sanctions, are not expected to have implications on Arjo’s ability to deliver products and services to customers globally.

To support Ukrainian refugees in Poland, where Arjo has significant operations, the company has decided on a number of financial efforts to support the reception of refugees. For example, Arjo is donating a large number of medical beds to field hospitals that are currently being set up by the Polish Ministry of Health close to the Polish-Ukrainian border. Arjo has also started an internal fundraising initiative to support Ukrainian refugees in Poland, where the company will match the total sum of the donations made by employees around the world.

Arjo continues to monitor the development in Ukraine closely.

For more information, please contact:

Maria Nilsson, Acting EVP Marketing Communication & PR
Tel: +46734244515

Sara Ehinger, VP Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
Tel: +46723597794

About Arjo

At Arjo, we believe that empowering movement within healthcare environments is essential to quality care. Our products and solutions are designed to promote a safe and dignified experience through patient handling, medical beds, personal hygiene, disinfection, diagnostics, and the prevention of pressure injuries and venous thromboembolism. With 6,500 people worldwide and 65 years caring for patients and healthcare professionals, we are committed to driving healthier outcomes for people facing mobility challenges. www.arjo.com

Arjo stops deliveries to Russia due to the ongoing military invasion of Ukraine
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