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Domovská stránka / Znalosti / Webináře a e-learning Akademie / VTE: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
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VTE: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

VTE is a serious condition that causes death and disability worldwide, with 10 million cases each year. In order to safeguard the well-being of at-risk patients, comprehensive venous thromboembolism prevention strategies that take into account individual clinical needs are essential.

Join Arjo on our upcoming World Thrombosis Month awareness webinar where we will explore how VTE prevention can mitigate post-VTE morbidity and the risk of developing Post-Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS). 

It's a great opportunity to learn about this silent killer and prevention strategies to mitigate the risks; understand the risks of VTE, the role of prevention during their hospital stay, and what to be aware of after leaving the healthcare facility.

Attendees will have the opportunity to earn 3 CPD points by participating the entire session and submitting the Evaluation Form at the end of the session. Provider approved by The South African Medical Association. Accreditation number: MDB015/1262/09/2023.

Feel free to invite others who might be interested. We look forward to having you join us!

úterý 8. října 2024
9:00 SAST


Catharine Steer, RN, BScN, MScENID

Clinical Educator

Guest Speaker: Catharine Steer, RN (CAN), BScN (UofT, Can), MScENID (UofEDIN, Scot)Nursing Degree – University of TorontoMasters Degree – University of EdinburghThesis on “Neglected Infectious Diseases”Our esteemed global health ambassador and a clinical educator focusses on wound care/ infectious/tropical diseases and generally global health issues. Catharine Steer consults with multinational companies to update health professionals in clinical diversity related to the previous topics through various modes of education and clinical assessment.Catharine Steer's goal and key to her varied experiences over the last 25 years is to develop awareness and best practice in global clinical challenges such as the development of local treatment modalities and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Global health needs continued education, research and challenges through advancing sciences and technology with international collaboration to benefit the overall global good. As a consultant with health care professionals with regard to complications or concerns involving infectious disease and/or wound care. Providing formalized and informal education to all levels of health care professionals to ensure comprehensive and best-practice with regards to assessment and treatment and resistant organisms mainly in Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia. Development of related policies to skill/knowledge of wound care, infectious disease within hospitals and clinics.

Potvrzuji, že jsem se seznámil s definicí odborníka ve smyslu zákona č. 40/1995 Sb. a že jsem tímto odborníkem.

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  • Jsem odborníkem, tedy osobou oprávněnou předepisovat nebo vydávat zdravotnické prostředky nebo diagnostické zdravotnické prostředky in vitro, případně zaměstnancem poskytovatele zdravotnických služeb.
  • Je mi známa definice odborníka, případně vymezení zaměstnance poskytovatele zdravotnických služeb ve smyslu zákona č. 40/1995 Sb.
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