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Strona główna / O nas / Praca / Felix's story
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“Helping the people who help people – that is why I work at Arjo”

“Helping the people who help people – that is why I work at Arjo”

Being married to a nurse, Félix Lalumière is familiar with the physically challenging working conditions for caregivers. He is also a passionate and motivated engineer, wanting to make a difference. As part of the product development team at Arjo Magog, he can contribute to a better and safer everyday life for both patients and caregivers.


Félix Lalumière is an Electronic Project Leader in the product development team at Arjo Magog in Canada. The overall goal of his work is not only to develop secure and comfortable medical technology aids for patients, but also to make the equipment practical, safe and easy to use for the caregiver.

“Patient handling and mobilization is a field where a lot of work is still done manually, and caregiver injuries are common. My wife is a nurse and many of her co-workers suffer from back pain. The possibility to develop constantly better, more efficient, better adapted, easier to move, more intuitive solutions for them, is what keeps me motivated.”

Felix is a passionate and motivated engineer and he loves challenges. His client-focused mindset allows him to optimize the efforts in developing solutions that make a difference in people’s lives.

Another thing that he really appreciates about working at Arjo is the multitude of possibilities to grow within the company.

“Being a part of the Arjo team pushes me to become a better product developer. Together we question both current solutions and our ways of working. In the development process I always try to get feedback from as many people as possible, even if it leads to rethinking and changing things. Actively seeking initiated feedback is a good way to develop strategies for constantly improving our solutions.”

For all employees at Arjo, Empowering Movement, is about creating optimal conditions for increased mobility in healthcare settings, benefitting both clinical and financial outcomes. It is also about empowering ourselves and each other, sharing good energy and moving forward together.

Arjo Employee Nobuaki

“Working together with customers gives me a lot of positive energy and motivation”

Read Nobuaki's story