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Strona główna / O nas / Zrównoważony rozwój / Odpowiedzialna firma / responsible company matrix

A responsible company

Goals  Key activities Status 2021
Code of Conduct    
  • 100% of employees receive training in Arjo’s Code of Conduct
  • All employees have access to digital and on-site training which is repeated regularly
  • In a number of countries (when permitted by law), the Code of Conduct constitutes a part of select personnel’s employment contracts
  • 86% of new employees have completed training in 2021
Business ethics    
  • All managers and their teams understand and behave in accordance with Arjo’s policies and  directives on business ethics
  • Training of all managers and their teams based on the Business Compliance Policy drafted in 2020
  • Training includes a review of the rules pertaining to anti-
    corruption, competition law, export and sanctions, as well as whistleblowing
  • Implementation and training was conducted according
    to plan
Incidents and whistleblowing    
  • All Arjo employees can report an incident or concerns about serious misconduct that may be suspected, prevented or rectified
  • Arjo’s external partners are to be
    afforded the same opportunities to
    report misconduct
  • Preparation of a global system for the whistleblowing service including regular employee training about the Code of Conduct processes1
  • The rules concerning investigation and reporting have been clarified
  • Of those cases reported, one fell under the category of fraud. One employee has been forced to leave the company due to conduct that was in violation of the rules and Code of Conduct. The employee did not have a senior position and the case had no significant impact on the company’s operation
  • Arjo’s system for whistleblowing has been made available to external partners
Advanced training and analysis    
  • The entire sales organization will actively work to prevent and detect risks related to business ethics, both from a global perspective and based on local risk analyses
  • Advanced dilemma-based training with all management teams in the sales organization
  • Preparation of local risk analyses
  • More than 200 people from 28 management teams in the
    global sales organization have participated in advanced
    training and in completing local risk analyses
High ethics among business partners    
  • All Arjo business partners are evaluated
    and audited according to a specially
    designed process2
  • In high-risk regions, a more detailed process is carried out using a specific analysis and monitoring tool
  • Preparation of evaluation and audit processes
  • Establishment of business ethics ambassadors who support local organizations in high-risk regions
  • The process for evaluating and auditing distributors and
    intermediaries was tested and evaluated during the year,
    and the outcome was favorable and confirmed that the
    processes work
Supplier assessment    
  • 90% of Arjo’s total purchases to be made from suppliers who have signed the customized Code of Conduct for suppliers and business partners
  • Continuous audits of suppliers and business partners
  • 95% of Arjo’s total purchases made from suppliers who have signed our customized Code of Conduct for suppliers and business partners
  • In 2021, 31 assessments of suppliers and business partners were performed. The pandemic again caused delays this year, but the outstanding planned assessments from 2020 were performed, and outstanding assessments from 2021 will be performed in 2022
Arjo’s Board of Directors approves the Code of Conduct and monitors compliance regularly. The Arjo Management Team is responsible for the implementation of the Code of Conduct, including the establishment and review of targets for improvement. The CEO is Chairperson of Arjo’s Business Compliance Committee, tasked with safeguarding that the company does business at the highest ethical level, and adheres to the laws, regulatory frameworks and standards that apply in the countries in which we operate. The Committee held five minuted meetings in 2021. A global function manages supplier audits, using an approval process for all new suppliers while continuously auditing all suppliers. Furthermore, suppliers and business partners that are to work with Arjo are required to sign and follow a customized Code of Conduct.

*For complete information, see Arjo's Annual Report 2021