Get ahead of pressure injuries
Objective and anatomically-specific risk assessment, regardless of skin tone. See how the Provizio® SEM Scanner supports you to significantly reduce pressure injury incidence.
Understanding the Importance of Compression Therapy in VTE Prevention
For patients at risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) is a clinically proven and well-established prevention method. Read our blog post to learn how it works.
''Movement provides a better quality of life for our residents''
For Benevit’s nursing homes, long-term sick leave time has dropped massively, partly due to ergonomics training and use of aids. One key differentiator: the integration of the Arjo MOVE program, which has shown positive impacts on physical and mental stress within the nursing teams, and a better quality of life for residents.
Do you consider these 7 factors in the patient mobility assessment process?
The International Standards for manual handling of people in the healthcare sector discuss various methods of assessment1. The most essential transfers take place multiple times throughout the daily journey.
Introducing MyArjo: Your portal to Arjo tools and services
MyArjo is a personalised web portal providing access to Arjo tools and services with one secure login.
Sign up to get MyArjo access and begin your journey to Empower Movement today.
The Positive Eight Philosophy
Our care philosophy explains how facilitating mobility can catalyse a chain of benefits impacting quality of life, caregiver satisfaction, operational efficiency, and financial outcomes.
Mobility gallery
Based on 5 levels of mobility from A to E, the Arjo Mobility Gallery provides a basis for understanding how an individual can contribute to their mobility, as well as how to safeguard caregivers from injuries.
Arjo Insight Assessing
Evidence-based risk assessment that supports you to promote mobility, caregiver safety and efficient workflows.