Meet the residents
Residents in long-term care, especially the more elderly, can often be frail and sometimes disoriented with deteriorating mental capacity and/or functional mobility. While many residents have a mobility level of A or B, Arjo’s experience has shown that the majority of long term care populations are made up of residents in the C, D and E mobility levels.

This resident is able to perform daily activities independently without assistance from another person.

This resident is partially capable of performing daily activities independently and the assistance she requires is not generally too demanding for the caregiver.

This resident is incapable of performing daily activities independently or actively contributing in any substantial or reliable way.

This resident is incapable of performing daily activities independently or actively contributing in any substantial or reliable way.

This resident is incapable of performing daily activities independently or actively contributing to their care or transfers.

The Positive Eight
The Positive Eight philosophy visualises the potential positive effects that arise from improving or maintaining a person’s mobility through application of the best care skills, an efficient work environment and the proper equipment.