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Arjo ReNu

A member of the Arjo family

Arjo ReNu™ is a chemical-free, environmentally sustainable solution for reprocessing of noncritical, noninvasive medical devices for enhanced clinical, operational, and financial efficiency and sustainability.

Arjo ReNu high-level disinfection (HLD) reprocessing uses a natural water-based process for the safe, non-toxic reprocessing of DVT garments, pulse oximeter probes, lateral transfer matts (such as Hovermatts®) and many other noncritical, noninvasive single use devices to maximize supply chain savings and waste elimination.

Watch the video to discover how we can work together to meet your green initiatives and contribute to healthcare sustainability without compromise, one device at a time.

MDSAP logo

We are committed to assuring our processes meet or exceed all recommendations for reprocessing by the FDA, CDC and other regulatory agencies. ReNu is proudly ISO 13485 and MDSAP certified.


Patient safety

Patient safety is our priority. Our time-proven technology is a high-temperature, natural, water-based process that uses no chemicals or carcinogens that could damage medical devices or cause injury to staff or patients.

Cost effective

Our high-level disinfection reprocessing technology provides cost savings to healthcare facilities that can be reinvested to advance other important initiatives. Staff and patients can be reassured that our reprocessed devices look and function as new OEM devices.

Environmental benefits

Our reprocessing technology not only keeps devices out of landfills longer, but our green technology is non-toxic, offering more cycles, no harmful emissions, and significantly less landfill waste.

AMDR member

We are a member of the Association of Medical Device Reprocessors (AMDR) which is the global trade association consisting of members of the commercial single-use device reprocessing and remanufacturing industry. AMDR represents regulated, commercial reprocessing, promotes reprocessing as an important healthcare strategy that helps hospitals and healthcare providers increase quality, reduce costs and improve patient care, and protects the interests of its members in regulation, legislation and standard-setting world-wide.

Watch on-demand

Be part of the sustainability solution and a leader in transformation to a circular economy. Watch the on-demand video now to learn how we can make a difference by “Bringing the Health Sector into the Circular Economy” with one of the world’s most authoritative reprocessing industry experts, Daniel J. Vukelich, Esq., President & CEO of the Association of Medical Device Reprocessors (AMDR).

If you would like more information about Arjo ReNu, please contact us.
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About us

Reprocessing can be achieved by safely disinfecting noncritical, noninvasive single-use medical devices so they can be used again.

Instructions for Use

Download Instructions for Use files.

HLD pasteurization process

Arjo ReNu offers a variety of service options for hospitals to consider when implementing a reprocessing program for noncritical, noninvasive medical devices.

Benefits of HLD pasteurization

Our top priority is to provide a safe reprocessing solution for patients, clinicians and the planet.

Products that can be reprocessed

Arjo ReNu reprocesses a number of noncritical, noninvasive medical devices, from ECG leads to DVT garments.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Here you'll find answers to commonly asked questions. If you don't see what you need, please contact us with your question.

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