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Accueil / À propos d'Arjo / Développement durable / Our suppliers
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Our suppliers

Supplier collaborations

Arjo does business throughout the world and has a broad network of suppliers and partners. We place the same high demands on them as on our own business in terms of business ethics and regulatory compliance.


Consult list of substances we require suppliers to comply with:

View list of substances
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Our primary suppliers

We conduct continuous risk assessments and have a close dialogue with 25 of our largest global suppliers regarding business ethics and regulatory compliance. They represent a significant share of our purchasing value and were selected based on the principles behind Arjo’s Code of Conduct for suppliers, but also because they are in close proximity to our production units. This minimizes unnecessary transport and costs, and generates environmental and business gains.
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Supplier Code of Conduct

To ensure sustainable business throughout Arjo’s value chain, we have established a Business Partner Code of Conduct for our suppliers and business partners, which is included in all new supplier agreements. The Code is structured according to the UN Global Compact Initiative’s four focus areas:

- Human rights
- Labor
- Environment
- Anti-corruption

Self assessment

We have a comprehensive process to approve suppliers – and it starts with a Self assessment. The Self assessment includes a brief of the Supplier Code of Conduct, and each supplier must perform an internal review and accept it in order to initiate a collaboration with us. This is the foundation on which we initiate a business agreement, and can further be followed up with audits and other measures.

Supplier Audits

In 2018, Arjo initiated reviews of all our main suppliers and business partners to ensure that the requirements contained in the Code of Conduct are maintained. In the event that the requirements are not met, and if the supplier or business partner in question does not take adequate action to meet the requirements, the Group is entitled to cancel the contract and terminate all business connections.

General Terms and Conditions

Our suppliers are important to us and to obtain a long-term and sustainable relationship. We ask you to take note of our General Terms and Conditions in the document below. The General Terms and Conditions may be revised from time to time and updates provided herein.

Conflict minerals

Arjo is committed to working towards avoiding the use of minerals from conflict-affected and high risk-areas, which are affected by the risk defined in Annex 2 of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance.
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