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Pressure Injury Prevention

Provizio SEM Scanner

Deliver objective and anatomically-specific assessment of pressure injury (PI) risk 5 days*¹ earlier than visual skin assessment, regardless of skin tone². This empowers you with a window of opportunity to deploy a tailored prevention strategy to minimise PI incidence.

Provizio SEM Scanner (39)

Request a demonstration

Experience the Provizio SEM Scanner and see how it supports you to get ahead of pressure injuries.

Arjo.AtmosAir Velaris 9000X Enterprise (3).tif



Auralis (43)

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To receive updates on clinical evidence, case studies, webinars by industry thought leaders and more supporting pressure injury prevention across all care settings.

Proven to support significant reductions in PI incidence across care settings



in hospice settings​³


(weighted average)​

in acute care settings​​⁴



in long-term care settings⁵

Recognised in the latest EPUAP-NPIAP-PPPIA international guidelines⁶

Recommendation 2.6


“Consider using a sub-epidermal moisture/edema measurement device as an adjunct to routine clinical skin assessment”

(Strength of Evidence = B2, Strength of recommendation ↔)


Recommendation 2.7


“When assessing darkly pigmented skin, consider assessment of sub-epidermal moisture as important adjunct strategy”

(Strength of Evidence = B2, Strength of recommendation ↑)


The Science of Sub-epidermal Moisture (SEM)

Elevated levels of SEM is a biomarker of early tissue damage that can lead to pressure injury development. SEM can be identified by assessing the biocapacitance of tissue. This non-invasive technology enables early and objective assessment of increased pressure injury (PI) risk, empowering you to take decisive action to minimise PI incidence and to help reduce overall cost and time to care.
Science of SEM image

Find out more about the role of SEM in pressure injury development​

Download our clinical evidence summary.

Provizio SEM Scanner (60)

Provizio® SEMスキャナー

Provizio SEMスキャナーには、客観的かつ骨格固有の褥瘡リスク評価を提供する機能が装備されているため、的を絞った特別な褥瘡予防戦略を展開する5日間¹の機会を確保できます。これは、褥瘡の発生件数を最低限に軽減し、ケアにかかる総コストと時間を削減することに役立ちます。



• 早期に客観的かつ骨格固有のリスク評価を可能にします
• 患者に合わせた介入を可能にする総合的なソリューションを提供します
• 臨床転帰の向上を推進し、維持します


Copyright, trademarks and logos are the intellectual property of Bruin Biometrics LLC, this includes the following: Provizio® SEM Scanner and SEM Scanner®. Bruin Biometrics LLCs copyright materials cannot be used or reproduced without Bruin Biometrics LLCs written consent.



お探しのソリューションが見つからない場合は お手伝いさせていただきます。